Maybe I do need to have a serious diet make over or something. I am to the point where I will take any suggestions at all to get this weight moving again, please. Right now I cannot afford to go get any expensive foods or such because we are very tight on money (so no I still haven't found a job). So I'm looking for advice on cheap easy meals or ideas.
I'm also thinking all this stress I'm under isn't helping me either. I am still sending out resumes like crazy with no luck. I'm just stressing so much about money & bills & with Christmas coming for the kids. I feel like total shit that I couldn't plan a surprise 40th birthday party for my husband this Saturday (Oct 26th) like I really, really wanted to (I worried about him questioning why I was taking money out of the account for & not having an excuse, cuz I suck at lieing). We are still having a party, but it's not even close to what I had planned in my head.
With my personnal life the twins are three and my little one just turned two, so "Yes" my hands are full and they definitely keep me on my toes 24/7. They constantly test my limits and see how much I can take, which isn't much anymore. They are in the horrendious three's & terrible two's and let me tell you two's aren't as bad as everyone thinks. They love to destroy everything and I mean everything from what they own to what mommy owns and what others own. The twins are in preschool three days a week & I take the time to go to the gym with my little one (He goes in the playroom). My gym time every day is my 2 hour break from reality & gives me time to relax & think about EVERYTHING!!
Anywho, I just wanted to give a little update and let you know not much has changed since my last post, that's why I haven't posted in a while, but yeah, like I've said before I will try to do it more often and hopefully I will have more to tell.
Until next time......................