Saturday, February 23, 2013


Sorry I haven't been on to update in a long time but nothing really has changed even my weight. Two weeks this Tuesday I was holding my 17 month old & dancing with him & I injuried my back & could barely move. Quick story on my back I've had two surgeries on my lower back to fix herniated discs. Anyways, I went to the doctor & he put me on pain pills & muscle relaxers & a steroid (prednisone). The steroids were awful they made me bloated & constipated. So I was able to get around again but still had pain then on Sunday I hurt it again & was down for the count this time. I started physical therapy on Thursday which helped but I'm still having pain & have to watch my moves or I get a shooting pain in my back. My nights are sleepless & I wake up barely able to move b/c of the pain. During the day it's getting somewhat better. So to say the least I am depressed that I haven't been able to workout at all. I'm worried now that when I finally do get to its going to be hard to get myself back into the swing of things. Go figure just when things were getting good this happens, it never fails.

I've been trying to at least still watch what I eat so the weight doesn't come back on while I'm healing. I'm thinking on Monday I might get on the treadmill & do the JM walking workouts & start there & see how that goes & then slowly I can maybe get back to running sooner then later. I figured if I can at least do that it's better then nothing, right?

Anywho, I will try to keep my blog updated. I've just been on meds & in so much pain that I didn't feel like typing anything.

Until next time...............

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