Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Life throws to many curve balls!!

Well a lot has happened/changed since posting my last update.  I have deleted my 30 Day Challenge Clean Eating group and the reason being that there were not enough people dedicated into changing their life to a healthier one.  I felt like I was motivating myself & at time talking to myself.  I was wasting way to much time in the group when all my energy can be directed else where like on three little munchkins.  That's not to say I'm going to stop clean eating myself because I am not. 

Another change is last minute we found our parish has all day preschool for the trio Monday-Friday 8am-2:30pm, so we looked into it last week and the priest offered us a discount so we did the math and this is the best way for us.  This will be $900 a month compared to what it would have been if they were to preschool at the one they've been at for 2 years now.  We would have been paying $760 for full time child care (add gas expenses for her to drive the kids) and then I'm estimating at the least $500.00 a month for school.  So do the math it's $1260.00 so we're saving $360 give or take a month.  The reason we needed full time child care for them with the old school is because they'd be in school only certain days a week for only 2-2.5 hours a day.  This way they will have more time throughout the day to learn more & play more.  They will be going to elementary school here anyways so this will help get them acquainted with the school and children.  Heck, you never know maybe this is where they'll meet there life long best friends, kinda like my friend Amy and I we met in Preschool. How awesome is that?!?!?! So with choosing this options we had to break bad news to the baby sitter, which thankfully she took much better then expected. 

We had to cancel karate for the twins, because we just found out the price went up a lot since they moved up a class and with all going on we cannot afford it right now.  It's just so depressing & I get terribly upset thinking about it.  I did sign Addisyn up for ballet/tap now which starts 9/13 because it is only $48 a month, but if things get worse she'll have to stop that.  I don't understand why everything cost an arm & leg, they tell you to get your kids involved in extracurricular activities, but how can you afford it???  I'm so sick of hearing, seeing or talking about money right now.  We are broke and all cuz we want to sent our kids to school.  The twins definitely have to go because this is Pre-K or they won't get into kindergarten.  WHATEVER!!! So for the next 9 months we are going to be penny pinching badly. 

I had to postpone my Shakeology order till at least November and see if things pick up by then, if not have to cancel it all together.  Why does everything have to hit at ounce, like every bill imaginable. I don't even know what to do.  We barely have enough for groceries & the kids need lunch packed every day now. 

I almost wish I could just run away or shut my eyes and when I open them it'll be all over and we'll be back on our feet again.  Life has a funny way of throwing those curve balls and I can not hit them, never could hit curve balls. 

Well that's about it for now.  Until next time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New workout Challenge coming

I have decided on my next Beachbody challenge purchase and it is going to be PIYo because I have heard nothing but great things on it.  I understand it is easy on your joints/bones and for someone like me with knee & back issues, it won't hurt me to try it.  I will say it does go against everything I HATE such as Pilate's & yoga but I am going to break down & try it. 

If you are interested in learning more about PiYo or any other program they have please visit my Beachbody coaching site to learn more about them.  I have to say I was alittle worried about price especially on the shakeology, but wanted to try it really bad, so I signed up to become a coach when I was ready because of the discounts you get on the products.  Coaching does have its initial set up fee then it is about $15 a month which for the discounts you get is not bad at all.  This is coming from someone that isn't made of money either.  If you are better then me and sign up as a coach and can get people to purchase items then you can have your monthly payments for the shakeology covered from the commission you will receive.  After being a coach basically for the discount I decided realized how good I felt and wanted to let others know and be able to feel this good too, so I decided to try to get people on board to better themselves and feel better and healthier.  If anyone is interested in learning more on becoming a coach contact me. 

On another note, my stuffed peppers last night for dinner was a success.  My kids even enjoyed them.

Turkey Stuffed Peppers

I had one for lunch today and for breakfast I had strawberry shakeology with a banana & blue berries & almond milk (yummy).  I do not know what is on the dinner menu yet, haven't given it much thought.  I will think of something by the time I get home.  I did complete the Total Body Cardio Fix (from 21 Day Fix) last night.  Man, that really busts your butt & best of all it's only 30 minutes long so it goes fast.  I'm not sure which video I'm doing tonight, but will update you tomorrow.  I will (as long as the rain holds out) take the trio for another long walk after dinner (before bedtime). 

I have noticed that I am sleeping so much better lately.  I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and I am in a deep, deep sleep all night.  Even if my kids wake me up or I have to use the bathroom, I feel like I'm sleep walking when I get up.  If clean eating & exercise are the reason behind this then I can do it forever!!! 

Well until next time, stay healthy!!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday's come to fast

Well I had a very productive weekend.  We stayed home from the Lake and cleaned house.  Friday night the twins had their new karate class at 6:30 so we didn't get home till about 8pm.  We ate dinner at my parents, which I was a good girl and made my first salad in a jar and brought my dinner so I stuck to my clean eating.  I was in bed that night by 8:30, I was exhausted.  I woke up Saturday feeling great and refreshed.  We lazied around until about 10am when the cleaning started & then we all took late naps and then went to the grocery store for some dinner items which we made chicken kabobs and my DH & daughter enjoyed a steak & we had Couscous and corn on the cob.  Then we started a fire and sat around with the neighbors playing games.  Everyone was in bed by about 10-10:30, but I stayed up till about 11:30 that night.  Sunday we cleaned our bedroom (if anyone has seen it they understand why it was such a chore).  I did 8 loads of laundry, but proud to say all laundry is complete for the week & that just gives you so much satisfaction.  We wanted to take the trio to a event called Touch a Truck sponsored by The Cleveland Metro Parks, but it was raining which of course tapered off about an a half hour after the event started which was to late by then.  So we spent the day fixing things and grocery shopping. 

I didn't get any workouts in for the weekend, but I ate wonderful and figured all the cleaning and moving around I was doing was some sort of workout.  I will be doing one of the 21 day fix videos tonight (just not sure which one yet) I'm thinking about total body cardio.  I'm also going to take the trio out for a walk after dinner.  I missed my morning run but not sure if I'll make it up tonight or just wait and get up on the AM and do my Tuesday run. 

Anyways, things have been going great on my 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, I was alittle upset to see I only lost a little over a pound in a week, because at the end of the weekend I was at 4.2lbs lost, but some reason I am feeling bloated or like I'm retaining water today.  Oh well, I will not let that get to me and I will move one & just work harder this week.  I still have to take my measurements (I forgot) I did my before photos & weight.

So as I've mentioned before this is my first challenge running on my own & I am a bit disappointed that I do not have as much activity as I wanted and that it seems like there have already been a lot of people that have fallen off and just are not motivated to a new healthy you.  I do understand (from personal experience) how HARD it is to make this change and how different it is from what you're use to eating.  Trust me I'm a full-time working mom to three very young kids and it does take more effort in making dinners and such, but in the end I am proud of my results and I am proud of what I know my kids are putting in their mouths.  With the way I've been feeling lately and a change I've noticed in myself I will and am very willing to continue putting extra time into making clean meals for my family & I.  If there are days that we'll be rushed I "try" to get meals done before hand so we are not rushed to eat out.  It takes a lot of dedication and willingness to WANT to succeed and sadly I know some people have more of it then others.  All I would love for anyone to know is that it takes team work, dedications, motivation and more then just a week to see results and to see what a difference it makes and to realize this is much better then all that processed foods we've been feeding ourselves which in turn put 100 plus pounds on me.  I wish there was an easy way to show people, but I guess it'll have to be the BEST way "show by example."  I kinda got a bit frustrated from so many quitters, but everyone is different and have different things going on.

Any who, that is enough of that.  This is a new week and it's going to be an even better one then last!!!    Until next time hope everything is well!!!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday = Hump Day

Today is day 3 of my Clean Eating Challenge and I want to say I feel good!  I have absolutely stuck to the clean eating and I don't feel bloated nor sluggish.  I'm starting to like this eating habits.  I will have to admit is if more time consuming because I have to make everything from scratch, but it's a good thing I like cooking especially new stuff.  My kids have done well with eating everything I've made these past couple days and my DH (which he surprised me the most, but he wants to try it and it's on his own will).  My kids also loved the breakfast I mentioned in my other post (Berry Banana Oatmeal bake), it was all gone when I got home Monday (so much for having it for breakfast the next day) I've been having shakeology for breakfast the last two days. 

Yesterday I got up early before work and ran for 33 mins on the treadmill then after the kids went to bed I did my Upper Body Fix and then went to bed feeling great, but this morning when I went to get up and run my back is very stiff and sore so I couldn't do it.  I'm not going to let that stop me though and I will do my Lower Body Fix tonight.  Oh and I also took the trio on a 45 minute walk after dinner last night in hopes to tire them out and get some exercise in for me.  It worked, LOL!

So, this morning I was searching thru my closet for something to wear to work and I came across a pair of pants that I have not worn in 5-6 years (right before I became pregnant with the twins) and I decided to put them on (because I saw they were the size my other pants I'm wearing are) and the sad part is they fit, they are loose where I have to keep pulling them up, but last time I wore them I had to pin the waist so they stay up (no belt loops for a belt).  Even though that was depressing it was also a huge motivator for myself.  I am determined to never be able to wear these pants again because there will not be enough pins in the world to hold them up.  I can and I will do this no matter what it takes and even through all the pain I'm experiencing.  My back is still acting up and it is really getting to me because it is limiting my daily activities.  I was thinking this morning that hopefully loosing this weight will help termendouly even though I know because of my back surgeries even being in shape and fit I still have pain, but not as much, but it could be too that I'm getting older so that pain will be more constant.  Growing old is scary and wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't in constant pain :-(

Well that's about it for today!  Hope all is well and remember if you're still thinking about wanting to join my challenge there is still time even though it started you can still come aboard. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Today is the start of my very first group that I created.  I'm very excited to start this not only for myself and my family, but also for my friends and our quest to health!!  This morning I made breakfast for all of us and it was

Berry Banana Oatmeal bake

 I thought it was simple and required most ingredients that you have laying around the house.  The only thing was it took 40 mins to bake, so this is definitely something that you'd wanna make the night before (if you work).  It was tasty and the best part is the kids enjoyed it too.  If there is any left over when I get home that will be my breakfast for tomorrow.  For lunch I have a chocolate shakeology with PB2 and almond milk & talk about delicious and plus it craves any sweet tooth I currently might have, but sweet usually isn't my craving it's salt that gets me every time.  For dinner I was planning on making Greek stuffed chicken, but because my twins karate has changed days & times I'm not going to get home till about 7:30 tonight so I might make something a little bit easier for a quick dinner. 

I was suppose to get up and run on the treadmill for 30 mins this morning but yesterday my Sunday night team was in the playoffs and we won all the way up to the championship game (which we lost) so we had to play back to back three games in a row.  I was hurting a little this morning, so I skipped my run.  I am going to do Lower Body Fix (from 21 Day Fix, Beachbody) tonight and then start my running tomorrow morning.  Since we won't be going to the trailer this weekend (to save some money) I can make up my running day from today. 

On this 30 day challenge my goals are to lose up to 15lbs and to encourage others that all it takes sometimes is A LOT of discipline and motivation.  I want to be an example of someone that struggled but put my mind to it and became sick of being overweight and unhealthy and came back and is now healthy and happy. 

Until next time.... Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First Challenge

So I created my first Challenge on FB (Facebook) as a beachbody coach, and I'm excited but nervous a bit at the same time.  Starting 8/11/14 I will be hosting a 30 Day Clean Eating challenge  (anyone can join and best of all is its FREE).  Basically for 30 days you have to eat clean foods such as no processed foods.  People will be amazed at how energized they will feel and not so bloated.  I cannot wait because I've kinda let myself go the last week and it is showing.  I know I've gained some weight (have been to afraid to get on the scale (will Monday morning) but I know I  have because my clothes are feeling really tight).  30 Day Clean Eating Challenge <- this is the link to the challenge page. 

This is my goal starting next week.  I am going to run on the treadmill (body pain permitting) no less then 3 days a week.  I will be getting up Early on the days that the babysitter comes to our house and run.  Then no less then 5 times a week I will do my 21 Day Fix workout video's.  I bought a daily planner and before Monday I'm going to write down my meal for the next 30 days and stick to them.  I will make the meals a week ahead of time.  DH and I are going to Cedar Point on 9/6/14 and I WILL fit onto all the rides this time, I have no more time for embarrassment.  Yes, the last time he & I went I got turned down on at least 2 rides that I can recall b/c the seats wouldn't close all the way (how embarrassing to have to walk off the ride with everyone staring).  I know I have lost weight since them, but I don't know if it's enough.  So my motivation is Cedar Point (we already bought the tickets).  I think that is good motivation along with all my other motivations to get rid of this flab. 

I really don't understand what is going on with my body (besides getting old) but this weekend I threw my back out again.  On Saturday we were having a cook out so I was standing making lots of food and my back was sore, but it got worse as the day went on and then the past 3 days have been bad.  Just add that to my knee's still hurting really bad.  I really want to exercise but at least my back has not allowed me to do so.  I swear something just doesn't want me to workout and get strong and healthy.  That's the way I see it.  If it isn't one thing it's another.  I will concur this and I will get thru it like always.

I'm just so ready to get healthy and fit.  I really would like to get to the point I was PC (pre-Chris) when I was 175lbs and a size 7 (see picture), Before these pictures I weighed 210 lbs and started dating a guy that got me to be a running/gym rat and eat healthy & felt GREAT!  I was much younger then and easier to get in this shape, but what I wouldn't do to be like this again. 
 Look the abs
OK, I'm going to end here with those positive photos, so that I remain positive.
Enjoy!!!!!!  Also, please come join the Challenge..  Link above.