Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First Challenge

So I created my first Challenge on FB (Facebook) as a beachbody coach, and I'm excited but nervous a bit at the same time.  Starting 8/11/14 I will be hosting a 30 Day Clean Eating challenge  (anyone can join and best of all is its FREE).  Basically for 30 days you have to eat clean foods such as no processed foods.  People will be amazed at how energized they will feel and not so bloated.  I cannot wait because I've kinda let myself go the last week and it is showing.  I know I've gained some weight (have been to afraid to get on the scale (will Monday morning) but I know I  have because my clothes are feeling really tight).  30 Day Clean Eating Challenge <- this is the link to the challenge page. 

This is my goal starting next week.  I am going to run on the treadmill (body pain permitting) no less then 3 days a week.  I will be getting up Early on the days that the babysitter comes to our house and run.  Then no less then 5 times a week I will do my 21 Day Fix workout video's.  I bought a daily planner and before Monday I'm going to write down my meal for the next 30 days and stick to them.  I will make the meals a week ahead of time.  DH and I are going to Cedar Point on 9/6/14 and I WILL fit onto all the rides this time, I have no more time for embarrassment.  Yes, the last time he & I went I got turned down on at least 2 rides that I can recall b/c the seats wouldn't close all the way (how embarrassing to have to walk off the ride with everyone staring).  I know I have lost weight since them, but I don't know if it's enough.  So my motivation is Cedar Point (we already bought the tickets).  I think that is good motivation along with all my other motivations to get rid of this flab. 

I really don't understand what is going on with my body (besides getting old) but this weekend I threw my back out again.  On Saturday we were having a cook out so I was standing making lots of food and my back was sore, but it got worse as the day went on and then the past 3 days have been bad.  Just add that to my knee's still hurting really bad.  I really want to exercise but at least my back has not allowed me to do so.  I swear something just doesn't want me to workout and get strong and healthy.  That's the way I see it.  If it isn't one thing it's another.  I will concur this and I will get thru it like always.

I'm just so ready to get healthy and fit.  I really would like to get to the point I was PC (pre-Chris) when I was 175lbs and a size 7 (see picture), Before these pictures I weighed 210 lbs and started dating a guy that got me to be a running/gym rat and eat healthy & felt GREAT!  I was much younger then and easier to get in this shape, but what I wouldn't do to be like this again. 
 Look the abs
OK, I'm going to end here with those positive photos, so that I remain positive.
Enjoy!!!!!!  Also, please come join the Challenge..  Link above. 

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