Monday, November 5, 2012

It was a very busy weekend that I never had a chance to log on.  Our trick or treating was rescheduled for this past weekend due to Hurricane Sandy.  So the kids went out Saturday & then Sunday at my parents.  We had my parents over on Saturday for dinner & trick or treating & then they took Joey home to spend the night with them since Sunday we went over to their house for dinner & trick or treating.  Now I have to figure out what to do with all this candy b/c I definitely don't need it & neither do my kids.  Some people on FB suggested sending it overseas to the troops or to the East coast kids that couldn't have Halloween cuz of the hurricane.  So that is two very good ideas. 

So I over did it Saturday & Sunday.  I started doing pretty good Saturday with eating & that I also got my workout in while the kids napped.  But later on the night I over did snacks & drank way to many empty calorie beers.  Then Sunday I just ate bad & again to many sweets.  I didnt' like what the scale said this morning & I'm hoping I can make up for my bad choices this week.  Another thing is my period is due in a couple days & like always I put on water weight about 5lbs, then I lose it right after.  I'm hoping that's the reason the scale was alittle disappointing today.  Anyhow, I didn't really keep track of my food after lunch on Saturday & I didn't track anything yesterday so I'm not going to even bother posting my food journals for this weekend.  I know, I know I need to get better with the weekends.

Well I did get my workout in today & I'm feeling better already.  I will update later today if I have time b/c I want to run to the library (I know who does that anymore, LOL) & pick up some books to read up on improving my meals better & read up more on the Food dyes in the food for my children's sake. 

Oh & I have to update my last 4 workouts.  It's just been a busy week with the weather & Halloween & the kids all being sick.  I cannot promise that I will not have anymore weeks like that cuz that's what you run into having three young children, but with winter coming & most of the birthday's now out of the way it should start slowing down.  Well minus holidays...

Hoping to get back on tonight, but until next time.......................

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