Wednesday, December 17, 2014

End 2014

Seriously, 2014 can end any time now, and bring on a happy & healthy 2015.  It has been nothing but illness in my house since September and then add to that mess my father passing away end of November.  I'm done, so far done with 2014.  Currently my DH has the flu and we all know when men get the flu they carry it out to be worse then what it probably is, but there is no point on arguing that with him.  With Christmas next week I'm praying that the kids nor I get this.  With the luck I've been having I probably will get it just in time for Christmas, that'll probably be my present. 

I have been having strange issues with my 4.5 year old Joey the past couple weeks, especially right after he got sick.  He is always complaining about not feeling well and he doesn't really want to do anything anymore.  He is always complaining about just wanting to go home and lay down.  I mean seriously what 4 year old doesn't want to go see Santa??? Yep, Mine!  Last Sunday they had Lunch with Santa and we fought and he cried that he didn't want to go, that he just wanted to stay home and lay down and rest.  Seriously makes you think..... is there some really wrong with him or is has something been bothering him or is it all in his head.  Who doesn't want to see Santa?  He no longer wants to go to school, everyday this week has been a struggle and I literally had to pull him out of the house without his jacket on Monday (put his jacket on in the car) and force him in the car.  Then when we got to school he cried and wouldn't let me leave (the teacher finally got that under control).  Every morning we fight about going to school & personally I don't need to add that to my list of stuff to get done before heading out the door.  It has been horrible.  He was never like this and he loved going to school every day up until a couple weeks ago.  I ask him whats wrong and if something is bothering him at school and he says nothing (always refers back to not feeling well).  He did mention the other day that he does not like nap time.  This coming from a kid that stopped naps when he was 2.5.  He says he hates laying there resting.  I mentioned this to his teacher and they have offered for him to bring some books to his mat, but not working well.   If and when he eats breakfast it's barely nothing and the teacher says he's not eating much at lunch time.  I seriously don't know what to do, I don't know what's wrong, don't know if he's really sick or just saying it, I don't know if something is truly bugging him at school.  He won't tell me anything & we've taking him to the doctor & they said he's fine.  UGH.... HELP I need someone to tell me what I should do, because I want to be able to help him and make whatever is hurting him go away.  I want my Joe Joe back that one that loved doing things & smiled.  Oh and he has also turned into a very bad disobedient kid.  The way he talks to me now is so hurtful.  He's never done this. 

OK, enough of that.  As for weight loss, that is not in my vocabulary currently, but weight gain most definitely is.  I keep telling myself for the last 2 weeks I was going to start back to the gym (I wanted to before the New Year so I'm not considered one of those folks that drive me crazy with the resolutions and New Year), but I've been so lazy and so tired from fighting with my kids that by the time they go to bed, I go to bed myself.  Last scale weight I was 267.7 which is 10 lbs more then last month.  I haven't gotten on the scale since that weigh in, because my clothes are already telling me that I've gained.  I don't know what the hell is going on and I'm so over it... I'm done... I just want to starve myself and become a gym rat.  I sick of being fat & I'm sick of my total lack of motivation.  I'm just sick of it all.  I missed a 40th birthday party last weekend because I felt to FAT to go out.  I have no clothing that flatters my fat ass.  I just feel nasty, disgusting & only feel comfortable in sweats.  I don't even need a belt for my fat jeans anymore.  They use to fall completely off, but now they are snug.  I'm finished completely finished.. I need help, serious help....

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