Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chocolate, OH the Chocolate!

So, last week my kids were handed boxes of candy bars to sell for their fund raiser & so I took a box to work & DH took the other one so we can sell them.  Well I cannot keep my hands out of the damn box.  OMG, I've had two today & two yesterday & I probably two on Monday.  WTH is wrong with me.  I'm suppose to be losing weight and watching what I'm eating and this, I'm pigging out on this.  UGH, setting myself up to fail is not good.  Oh and to make things worse I enjoyed a bag of Bugles and NO I was not starving or hungry just bored.  I'm definitely going to hit the treadmill tonight (Hopefully).

So I ran for 15 Min's at 5 mph and then walked between 3.5-4 mph for 25 Min's on Monday night.  I woke up with a sore neck in the back on Monday and I'm assuming it is probably from sleeping weird. Then Tuesday I woke up with not only a sore neck but my back hurting bad.  I skipped running last night to not make things worse and went to bed very early (8:40pm).  I set my alarm for 5am cuz I figured I'll get up and run in the AM, but nope woke up and my back was still stiff and hurting bad.  Right now (half way thru the day) it's still sore, but not really bad.  So I am not sure if I'm going to run tonight or do it in the AM tomorrow.  I might force myself to get up and do it in the morning, because that always makes you feel much better all day.  I'm just hoping with these two days off it'll help make my back & neck feel better. 

Tomorrow is my first weigh in at my W.W. (weight watchers) meeting.  I'm trying to remain optimistic and think I may have lost 2 lbs even with the CHOCOLATE bars.  We will see, I'm going to take small portions at dinner tonight and watch my intake tomorrow (NO more chocolate).  If I want to feel good at my 40th birthday party I have to stop it NOW cuz it's less then a month away.  I know I won't look fabulous, but as long as I feel good that is all that matters to me. 

PS. On another note we've submitted the bid for the house yesterday and it's been 24 hours and haven't heard back yet, so I'm anxiously waiting for word on if they are going to accept it or not.  UGH, waiting is always the hardest part no matter what it is you're waiting on.  I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe it's a good sign since they are not answering right away. 

However, until next time.... Stay Optimistic.....

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