I need to say (per my last sentience above) I have taken steps to trying to help make my goals to this weight loss easier. I did in fact signed up for #weightwatchers last Thursday thru my company. Last Monday & Tuesday I did 30 minutes on the treadmill which 14 of them I ran. I then fell off the wagon and didn't get anymore running in. I will however be running tonight after the kids go to bed, or I might even do it before then, we'll have to see what the night brings me cuz I have lots of chores that need to get done tonight (before the kids school tomorrow). I will do this though!
I truly wish there was some type of magical pill that you can take (that wasn't bad for you) that can give you some energy. I'm just so exhausted all the time. For instance the other day I slept for 9 hours and that day I felt absolutely no different as if I only slept 6 hours. I really hate this dragging
I'm trying to keep a positive mind and I will do this! We looked at this awesome house on Saturday and OMG, I loved it and the price is just right. So we are going to try to submit an offer tomorrow (cuz banks are closed today it's MLK day) I'm so anxious cuz I'm so afraid that someone will be us to this house. I have to keep in my mind that the statements "If its meant to be then it'll be, but if not then it wasn't meant to be." I believe now with my father in heaven he can see what would work for us and what wouldn't and help guide us on the decisions. God will be the one that if it's to be he will make it be. I don't want to make a choice were we're going to truly regret down the road, but sadly we cannot make that decision. You just don''t know until that time comes, right now we can only look at what it presented in front of us. I have faith for us to be guided correctly.
Oh, and I also have faith that I will stick to this and will win this weight loss battle. With lots of motivation (where I seem to be lacking, currently), self discipline, encouragement & honesty this will be just about as easy as it was when I lost all the weight in my late 20's.
I can do this, we can do this, you can do it & We'll all succeed!
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