Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today was just another day in the book.   I got my workout in and I actually moved my running speed up to 5.2 from 5.0.

I'm still feeling very depressed today.  So much for the Zoloft my doctor gave me for PPD (post partum depression) cuz it's not working anymore.  Everything just seems to go down hill everyday.  I'm so confused, lost & just don't know what to do anymore.  I just wanna cry.  Also this looking for a job is getting more & more depressing every day.  WTH am I doing wrong?!??!?!?!  UGH :-( 

On a lighter note my old BFF contacted me today & it felt great to talk to her.  She was always the go to person for me for everything in my life.  We've been BFF's since 2nd grade & then about 3 years ago we had a "stupid" falling out & I totally have regretted it since.  I miss our conversations, crying on each other shoulder & support we gave each other.  No matter if we agreed with what the other was doing we stood by each others side.  She was there for me thru my struggle to get pregnant & she lent me her shoulder to cry on OFTEN.  Even though we haven't talked much I still love her to death & consider her my BFF.  I hope that we can pick up where we left off & just move forward like nothing ever happened between us.  It makes me sad that she missed both my pregnancies, b/c I needed her, but that's ok. 

Anyways, I'm just blabbing on & on.  Here is my meals today:

The usual

two burritos (beef & bean)

5 hard regular home made taco's.

Wow, you can tell I'm PMSing....

So until next time.........................................

1 comment:

  1. JENNIE!!! Go back and get something other than Zooloft... they gave me something but I can't remember what it is... but i was afraid to take it because I thought I would get addicted!! LOL..

    Love you and miss you!!!~
