Monday, August 11, 2014

30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Today is the start of my very first group that I created.  I'm very excited to start this not only for myself and my family, but also for my friends and our quest to health!!  This morning I made breakfast for all of us and it was

Berry Banana Oatmeal bake

 I thought it was simple and required most ingredients that you have laying around the house.  The only thing was it took 40 mins to bake, so this is definitely something that you'd wanna make the night before (if you work).  It was tasty and the best part is the kids enjoyed it too.  If there is any left over when I get home that will be my breakfast for tomorrow.  For lunch I have a chocolate shakeology with PB2 and almond milk & talk about delicious and plus it craves any sweet tooth I currently might have, but sweet usually isn't my craving it's salt that gets me every time.  For dinner I was planning on making Greek stuffed chicken, but because my twins karate has changed days & times I'm not going to get home till about 7:30 tonight so I might make something a little bit easier for a quick dinner. 

I was suppose to get up and run on the treadmill for 30 mins this morning but yesterday my Sunday night team was in the playoffs and we won all the way up to the championship game (which we lost) so we had to play back to back three games in a row.  I was hurting a little this morning, so I skipped my run.  I am going to do Lower Body Fix (from 21 Day Fix, Beachbody) tonight and then start my running tomorrow morning.  Since we won't be going to the trailer this weekend (to save some money) I can make up my running day from today. 

On this 30 day challenge my goals are to lose up to 15lbs and to encourage others that all it takes sometimes is A LOT of discipline and motivation.  I want to be an example of someone that struggled but put my mind to it and became sick of being overweight and unhealthy and came back and is now healthy and happy. 

Until next time.... Enjoy!

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