Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cheat days are bad!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Hope everyone is enjoying corned beef and cabbage today.  I know I will for dinner tonight, but there will be no potato's just 4 oz of corned beef and 2 cups of cabbage and a very carrots.  I will leave the potato's for the kids tonight, not that they care for them very much.

So the diet is still going fairly well.  We took a cheat day on Saturday and I we took the kids out to lunch.  I was good and got a buffalo chicken salad with hot sauce for the dressing, but I did enjoy two Bud lights along with that.  Then later we took the kids with some neighbors to Chuck-E-Cheese for a couple hours and they ordered their (cardboard tasting) pizza and although I was not hungry I ate about 3 pieces (thinly sliced).  We got home and I put the kids to bed and then us adults went out for drinks with neighbors.  I had a few (to many) draft beers and then when I got home my DH stopped and got the new Little Cesar's "Bacon Wrapped Deep Dish" pizza and I think I ate 3 pieces and they were big pieces.  Ugh, what in the hell was I thinking , oh wait I wasn't thinking that was the beer talking.

So, on Sunday I decided for breakfast to have another slice of the pizza and it wasn't as good as the night before.  Then for lunch I just had a protein shake and had lots of running around to do.  I invited my mom over for dinner with was corned beef with cabbage and potato's and carrots and yes I enjoyed every bit of it.  Yes, I have come to realize you cannot just have one cheat day because if your will power is not strong enough then it will not stop at just one cheat day.

Monday morning I stepped on the scale (only because I wanted to see the damage done from the weekend) and to my surprise I didn't gain anything just maintained, so that gets me to think if I didn't fall off the wagon like I did then I wonder how much I might have lost instead of maintained?  Guess I'll never know, eh!  I have been back on my diet since yesterday and feeling better.  I drank some of the tea that DH bought and yes it made me have to poo a few times yesterday.  We took the kids for a 3 mile walk yesterday to Dairy Queen (for the kids only) because they had free cone day in favor of the 75th anniversary.

We all know that the weather in Cleveland has been really nice this past week, so along with this nice weather comes the ever so dreadful POOP PATROL.  Yes, we have two big dogs and we haven't seen grass here in Cleveland since before Christmas and the ground hasn't been "frozen" since before that.  So I have literally about 5 months worth of dog poo to pick up.  I started on Sunday and got 3 bags and that was only half of the yard.  I still have the other half to do, which I wanted to do after work yesterday since it was 60 outside, but DH wanted me to walk with them.  I know I got half the yard done in about and hour and a half so what is another half of yard.  Well the half I didn't get done has piles and piles on top of piles.  You cannot see grass it's just a grass of poop so I have about another 8 bags probably that I need to get done before garbage day on Thursday.  So, guess what I'm doing tonight after work even though it'll only be in the high 20's.

I think that is enough talk about Poo in this post, but that is what my next couple days will consist of.  Then I will be going on the treadmill walking for about an hour at 4.0 mph.

Until next time......


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